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Drip A SIlver

May 26, 2024 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Drip A SIlver

Jerry enthusiasts-Drip A Silver-render the catalog from a place of merry reverence of all things Grateful Dead

Band members include: Garrett Andrews (of Brightsome Color, Clouds of Delusion, Neptune Dune, Gus n phriends, Ghost in a graveyard, etc), Steve Kemble (of Dirty Dead, Gus n phriends, Chicomo Marimba, etc), Eric Plotkin, Jeff Ruby, and rotating keyboardists-Eric Swanson/Ian Taylor. All musicians play in several other bands locally including Phuncle Sam, Grateful Family Band, Dirty Dead, JLAD, Snozzberries, etc.

$5 Cover