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Duo of the Decade

May 6, 2021 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Duo of the Decade

Due of the Decade is a 2-Man history lesson in Rock and Roll. They play 70+ Songs Covering 60+ Years of Rock and Roll. All Covers from all Decades. Most of the set is interwoven with genre-bending mash-ups that will keep you on your toes. Don’t look away because you might miss something.
You will hear hits from Chuck Berry to Courtney Barnett. Devo to Weezer. ELO to Lorde. Prince to Petty.

Chris (Guitar/Vocals) is a mash-up mad scientist and a human dynamo.

Courtney (Drums) just tries to follow Chris on his journey to try and combine every known song into 1 ultimate medley to rule them all.